While real estate sales are transactional, the pre-transaction nurturing and post-transaction referral generation are not. Engaging clients and prospects on social media is increasingly key to this nurturing and referral generation process. Realtors and mortgage brokers are selecting quality articles from relevant sites, commenting on them and sharing their links. Clients and prospects benefit from […]
Accountant marketing – 30 sites to curate content from
As part of their social media marketing activity, accounting and tax professionals are selecting quality articles from relevant sites, commenting on them and sharing their links with their networks. Clients and prospects benefit from receiving quality and relevant content that is pre-filtered and put in context by professionals. Here’re 30 accounting and tax sites & […]
Social media metrics for prospecting – 3 that can impact your pipeline
In search engine marketing, practitioners tracked metrics such the number of keywords triggering search results for a site, the number of links to it and created action plans around keywords & link building. What are the key metrics in social media marketing? If you are using social media to attract new prospects, here’re 3 actionable […]
Social media for accountants – 20 savvy CPA’s & tax preparers
Alongside financial planners, CPA and tax accountants deliver key services to manage their customers’ finances. Last September, I presented “20 social media savvy financial advisors.” What about social media for accountants ? CPA’s and tax preparers too are leveraging social media to reach out to clients and prospects. Here’re 20 social media savvy accounting and tax […]
Social media consultant – 20 marketers for financial services
In the same way Google-Yahoo-Bing created demand for expertise in SEO marketing, Facebook-Twitter-Linkedin is creating the need for expertise in social media marketing. Be it getting into social media for the first time, or be it the lack of time – some financial professionals are seeking the help of social media marketers to get discovered […]
Social curation -10 financial advisors curating content on social media
As online content grows exponentially, it gets harder to sieve out good content. Content curation, the selection and sharing of content, is increasingly important in helping consumers get to interesting & relevant content. Content curation is equally important to financial professionals as a core component of their content marketing. Financial professionals become content curators when […]
Top google searches for finance, accounting, insurance, real estate professionals
In previous blogs, we wrote about financial professionals getting into social media & showed examples in financial planning as well as real estate. In this blog, let’s take a look at the financial services consumer. Who are financial service consumers looking for online? What are their top google searches when looking online for a financial […]
Real estate social media – 15 savvy realtors & brokers
In my previous blogs, I wrote about “3 reasons financial professionals are getting into social media” & presented “20 social media savvy financial advisors”. Here’re 15 social media savvy realtors and brokers who are also blogging, twittering, connecting on Linkedin and posting on Facebook. Again, look closely at how they are engaging clients and prospects […]
Financial social media – 20 savvy advisors, planners, wealth managers
In my last blog, I wrote about “3 reasons financial professionals are getting into social media” Here’re 20 social media savvy financial advisors, CFP’s, investment advisors and wealth managers who are blogging, twittering, connecting on Linkedin, and posting on Facebook. Look closely at the URL’s and profiles to see how they are branding themselves on […]
Why social media marketing – 3 reasons for financial professionals
Enter “financial services” into the Linkedin search box and you will get more than a million results. Do the same with Twitter and you are likely to get a new “financial services” tweet every minute. Here’re three reasons why social media marketing is being used by financial professionals to engage clients and prospects: Source: eMarketer […]