For 3 years running, increasing digital marketing channels has been a New Year Resolution for financial advisors. Over the years, SEI has been conducting surveys of financial advisors to understand what are their top priorities in enhancing their practices and serving their clients. In this post, we identify 5 recurring new years goals and resolutions […]
How to
How to craft engaging commentaries on a real estate article you share
As in financial services marketing, content sharing on social media has become key to engaging clients and prospects in real estate. How can real estate professionals craft effective commentaries on articles they share online? In this post, we invite Lisa Logan, a real estate writer, to illustrate different ways a real estate agent or mortgage […]
33 social media savvy advisors who made Barron’s Top 100 in 2018
This month, Barron’s published its elite list of Top 100 Independent Advisors. This annual ranking reflects the volume of assets overseen, quality of the advisors’ practices and revenues generated. In this post, we identify 33 social media savvy financial advisors who made this prestigious list in 2018. Congratulations to these financial advisors for their social […]
Different ways to craft engaging commentaries on a finance article you share – Examples from a writing expert
Content sharing on social media has become key to engaging clients and prospects for financial advisors and wealth managers. More than providing value of content curation by picking out quality articles, financial professionals can add value by crafting an introduction to the shared article that helps readers make sense of an article or get to […]
25 insurance images representing key insurance topics and terms
In the previous post, we featured 25 financial visual images representing key wealth management topics. By combining visual appeal with topic relevance, images can be an effective way to engage clients and prospects on social media. Today, visually appealing images can be created easily with tools such as Canva, Crello, Adobe Spark, and Stencil. In […]
25 finance images representing key financial advisory keywords
The use of visual images is an effective way to engage clients and prospects on social media. Today, there are many user friendly online tools such as Canva, Crello, Adobe Spark, Stencil that can be used to create attractive visuals. But to be effective, visuals must not only be appealing but they must also represent […]
Financial advisors on all 3 major social networks see greatest gains (infographic)
While many financial advisors are now on social media where their clients and prospects are, one question asked is “how many platforms should they be on?” Relying on data from surveys conducted by Putnam Investments, we looked at the growth in business use of the 3 major social networks – Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter – from […]
Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday!
From InvestmentPal
Uncomplicated social media policy for financial services professionals – 3 examples
According to surveys conducted by American Century Investments, financial advisory firms with a formal social media policy or guidelines increased from 60% to 74% from 2012 to 2015. Over the same period, advisors reported reduced regulatory concerns, greater social media participation and consequently increased gains from social media. Is the absence of a social media […]
Part 5 (Real Estate) – 15 bloggers with (search engine) authority on key real estate and mortgage terms & topics
Good content can help showcase expertise in your profession and build relationships with your clients and prospects. Commenting on relevant articles and sharing those commentaries can help create engaging content for your clients and prospects online. In this post, we highlight 15 “authoritative” bloggers on the subject of real estate and mortgage in the final […]