Crafting effective post titles is important for online marketing success. Good blog post titles motivate readers to read & share your posts; and achieve higher search engine rankings and click-through rates for those posts. A well crafted post title should*: Be concise(1) Convey reader benefits(2) Trigger an emotional response (eg, use of words such as “need”, […]
insurance social media marketing
Marketing – Social media style [Music Video]
This is a music video on the use of social media style marketing to engage clients and win prospects. It is inspired by the creative marketing efforts we’ve seen from professionals in financial planning, insurance, accounting and real estate. Social Media Style Marketing Hope you like it. – by InvestmentPal […]
Social media marketing – Gangnam Style
“@psy_oppa Congratulations! You made history! 1 Billion Views!” tweeted MC Hammer on Dec 21 2012 as PSY’s “Gangnam Style” Youtube video topped 1 billion views. How did PSY’s Gangnam Style video, uploaded on July 15 2012, achieve such stunning marketing success over a short span of 5 months? In a Harvard Business Review blog, marketing […]
Visual media marketing – 15 blog images in financial services ecosystem
A picture tells a thousand words. Host to 7 billion images, Flickr alone has as many images as there are people on earth. In a study conducted by University of Minesota and 3M on the use of digital visual media in presentations, researchers arrived at three interesting conclusions. One, visuals increased the persuasiveness of a presentation by 43%. […]
The Yin & Yang of Inbound Marketing [Infographic]
A key concept in Daoist philosophy, “Yin and Yang” (“shadow and light”) describes forces that are opposites, yet complementary. Social media and search can be described as the Yin and Yang of inbound marketing. They are opposites – while social media is powered by people conversations, search engines are powered by machine algorithms. Yet they are complementary- […]
100 social media savvy early adopters in financial services ecosystem
According to a Bain & Company report, “early adopters are gaining real economic value from their investments in social media”. As early as 2009, Dell, a retail social media early adopter, reported sales of $6.5M through its Twitter account. In financial services, over the last year, multi-million dollar account wins by social media savvy financial […]
100 sites to curate content from in financial services ecosystem
Content curation is an important component of social media marketing. By pointing to quality content and providing unique commentaries and analyses, professionals who curate content can engage with clients and prospects more frequently. In today’s information-loaded web, content curation brings higher quality content to consumers while sending more traffic to curated content sites. Here’re […]
20 SEO-savvy professionals on first page of Google & their keywords
You do not need to be “CNN Money” to be ranked on the first page of Google for a finance-related search, nor “Zillow” for a real estate query. The right keywords, coupled with off-page & on-page SEO, can land you on the first pages of search engines. Two key considerations when selecting SEO keywords are search volume […]
On-page SEO basics – 5 simple tips from Google
Ranking well in search engine results for relevant queries will enable your blog or site to attract more potential prospects. The more relevant your web page is to a search query, as measured by search engines, the higher it will rank. Off-page and on-page search engine optimization (SEO) can improve these rankings. A previous post […]
Social search doubles importance of social media marketing
Socialization of search: In December 2010, Matt Cutts from Google confirmed the use of social signals in Google search rankings. A year later (January 2012), Google introduced “Search, plus Your World”, where search results include relevant Google Plus posts and links shared by the user’s friends. Then on May 10 2012, Bing introduced a new […]