160 million or 70% of US internet users are online video viewers, according to eMarketer. Amongst executives, 75% watched online videos on business sites at least once weekly, and 65% would visit a vendor’s site after seeing a work-related video (Forbes Insights, Dec 2010). With this growing importance of web video, financial advisors, insurance agents, accountants and realtors are beginning to add video to text content to engage clients and win prospects online. Here’re 10 clips produced by video marketing savvy professionals, categorized under (i) animation (ii) people, and (iii) entertaining videos.
Source: eMarketer
Video marketing clips in financial planning, insurance, accounting, real estate
Animation video
1. Explainer video on Madison Wealth Managers (madisonmanagers.com)
“Stress testing retirement portfolio”: 2 min 12s
Source: Amber Harloff (vimeo.com/illuminatethis)
2. Short intro video on Lawton Insurance Facebook Page (facebook.com/lawtoninsurance)
“It’s personal, not policy”: 30s
Source: Yellowberri Creative Studios (vimeo.com/yellowberri)
3. Whiteboard video on business accountants & tax consultants, Duncan Plante & Co (http://www.dpco.com.au)
“About Us”: 2 min 46 s
4. Intro video on Sage & Ellen Real Estate (sageallenrealestate.com)
“How we are different”: 1 min 25 s
Source: Jay Wilson (vimeo.com/user4643875)
People video
5. Tips from CFP, Jeff Rose YouTube Channel (youtube.com/user/goodfinancialcents)
“Should You Rollover Your 401k Into an IRA?”: 5 min 51 s
6. Q&A on Chartered Accountant, Mark Feldstein Facebook Page (facebook.com/markfeldsteintaxhelp)
“Homeowners with Tax Debt”: 38 s
7. Documentary on Blue Goose Maine Insurance YouTube Channel (youtube.com/user/BlueGooseMaine)
Preview of “Ms. WheelchairMaine”, produced by Blue Goose: 1 min 43 s
8. Interview conducted by realtor, Mike Stewart video blog (mikestewart.ca/blog)
“Completing on a Presale Condo Avoiding Late Penalties! ”: 1 min 25 s
Source: Vimeo.com
Entertaining Video
9. Song video from PetFirst HealthCare (petfirsthealthcare.com)
“Jake’s Claim” | “Help” – Beatles : 2 min 23 s
10. Office dance video from CPAs & Consultants, WithumSmith + Brown Facebook Page (facebook.com/WithumSmithBrown)
“I gotta a feeling” – Black Eyed Peas: 5 min 20 s
… followed by a Flash Mob Dance
“Party Rock” – LMFAO : 7 min 53 s
If you see an engaging video used by finance, accounting, insurance and real estate professionals to communicate with clients and prospects, please share it.
– by InvestmentPal
Great stuff you have shared, agree video marketing is very popular now days because a less than 60sec video can describe everything which we cannot cover in 1000 of words.
Thanks for the feedback, David.
Hi Again! Here’s the 2012 Video if you didn’t catch it, yet. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1osnKQ9lHI
Sarah, Thanks for sharing this. Looks that Withum has just raised the bar with this flash mob dance video!
Hey, thanks for sharing our video! I was a co-producer of #10. We are knee deep in our 2012 edition that will be premiered on January 5th. I will be sure to share it with you. Great article! Sarah
Hi Sarah, You’re most welcome. It was a great video. Looking forward to your 2012 edition!
Thanks for featuring our video on your blog! Madison Wealth Managers has done several videos with us to explain somewhat ‘dry’ material!
Thanks again…. great site btw!
You’re welcome. It was a well produced video – clear narration, engaging.
Thanks for your feedback on the blog – glad you like it.