With the use of email overtaken by social networking, social media is becoming a marketing channel financial professionals can no longer ignore. And as archiving solutions for email mature, a new category of archiving solutions is emerging to meet social media needs, be it FINRA compliance, content backup or e-discovery. Here’re 8 emerging social media archiving solutions to watch (alphabetical order)
Social Media Archiving
2. Cloud Preservation by Nextpoint

6. KEN Personal Web Archiving by Aleph Archives
If you have used one of these social media archiving solutions, please share your experience.
– by InvestmentPal
In deciding which social media compliance software to integrate into Marketeria–our website content management system for advisors and asset managers–we chose Arkovi for three reasons: 1) sound technology and code; 2) smart roadmap for future enhancements, and 3) its partners’ deep client-side financial services experience.
The feedback we’ve heard since then from advisors and enterprises on Arkovi and other solutions bears out our choice–as has our experience working with the Arkovi team. They get our business. In the rough-and-tumble of delivering on client expectations, there’s just no substitute for that.
I use and LOVE Arkovi (#1 above) for dashboard management and archiving of all my social media activities. It’s a fully web-based solution with no software to download or install, which I appreciate, and it assures me I’m always using the latest & greatest version.
I currently use Arkovi to manage & back up the following:
My Blog
They are always working on improvements to the software, but the thing I like about it most?
It just works, in the background, without me having to do anything differently other than use the social media platforms the way they were meant to be used.
I think social media management & archiving are important and I’ve been very pleased working with Arkovi.
Feel welcome to contact me via my website link above if you have any specific questions.