These are eventful years for financial services social media. In 2010, FINRA 10-06, a key guide on social media compliance, was issued. The following year, Morgan Stanley allowed its brokers to use social networking sites. Facebook now has a billion users. How will the interplay of consumer adoption, regulatory compliance , and business marketing needs play out over the next few years? Will the history of email in financial services provide some insights into how financial services social media may develop? Let’s compare the two timelines, starting from 1996 for email (when Hotmail was launched) and 2006 for social media (when Twitter was launched).
Social media compliance & adoption timeline vs email in financial services
What is your social media marketing timeline?
– by InvestmentPal
Rich LoPresti says
Awesome post. Thank you for putting it together.The only thing I’d say is that, I know Merrill Lynch was using email i the early 1980’s. The other day I was speaking to a 40 year old vet at Merrill and he was telling me how scary it is that Social Media adoption is so similar to that of email. The whole office would gather around his desk as he composed an email to send out. I feel the Forrester projections are still underestimating the power of Social Media communication. Again, great post!!!
InvestmentPal says
Hi Rich, Thanks for the feedback, and for sharing.
Rich LoPresti says
You are welcome! I sent him a link to the blog post and told him to read and comment on your story, he can add some real context!