With more than a billion users on social networks, social media has become a marketing channel businesses can no longer ignore. To date, this blog has focused on the why, who, and how of social media marketing in finance, insurance, accounting, and real estate. What are the key questions to ask before one starts or […]
insurance social media marketing
Email vs social media compliance & adoption timelines
These are eventful years for financial services social media. In 2010, FINRA 10-06, a key guide on social media compliance, was issued. The following year, Morgan Stanley allowed its brokers to use social networking sites. Facebook now has a billion users. How will the interplay of consumer adoption, regulatory compliance , and business marketing needs […]
Complementary professional networking can enhance social media reach
Social media enables you to reach the networks of your immediate network (“friends of friends”) when content you create or curate is shared, liked or replied to. The mix of online connections in your immediate network can impact your ultimate social media reach. In addition to having clients, colleagues, friends and family in your online […]
10 social media success stories on how new clients were won
Last year, this blog published an article on the “social media impact on revenue” – presenting 8 statistics from various sources which linked social media activity to client acquisition and revenue growth in financial services. What are the stories, who are the people behind those statistics? Here’re 10 social media success stories of professionals in […]
Tweets that retweet – Reaching prospects outside your network
In a previous post, I wrote about the 3 key metrics that impact the success of social media prospecting. One important metric is the response rate to your content from your social networks. When content is replied to or retweeted by a connection in your social networks, that content is in turned shared to his […]
Video marketing – 10 clips by savvy finance & related professionals
160 million or 70% of US internet users are online video viewers, according to eMarketer. Amongst executives, 75% watched online videos on business sites at least once weekly, and 65% would visit a vendor’s site after seeing a work-related video (Forbes Insights, Dec 2010). With this growing importance of web video, financial advisors, insurance agents, […]
Content creation – 20 blog consultants & editors in financial services
Customer acquisition is directly correlated to blog post frequency, according to a Hubspot study. While financial services professionals are experts in their respective fields and many have become proficient in curating content, only some can claim expertise in blog writing. To become more efficient and effective in blog content creation, some financial professionals are seeking […]
Insurance social media – 15 savvy agents & brokers
Over the last year, I have presented social media savvy professionals in accounting, financial planning and real estate. Professionals on insurance social media are showing equal savvy. Here’re 15 social media savvy insurance agents & brokers who’re using blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube to build their brands, retain clients and win prospects. Look at […]
Content curation – 3 ways financial professionals are differentiating
When developing a content marketing strategy, two key considerations are differentiation and time. A strategy focused entirely on content creation results in greater differentiation but requires time. To achieve the desired contact frequency with clients and prospects, many financial professionals are complementing content creation with content curation. Moreover, in a 2010 Pew Internet Report, 50% […]
Social media impact on revenue & business value – 8 statistics from financial services
Started to improve customer satisfaction, Dell’s social media efforts soon led to sales of $6.5m through its Twitter account in 2009. Many have since stepped up efforts to generate sales using social media. Apart from brand building and client retention, can financial service professionals use social media to win new clients and grow revenue? Here’re 8 statistics […]